Project Osmia
Osmia cornuta is a native solitary bee , present in a large part of the Catalan territory. It is a very effective species as a pollinator of fruit trees and all kinds of wild flowers. Osmia, conventionally called spring bees , are solitary insects that do not sting, from the worker family, they do not make hives or colonies, but build their nests usually in small reeds that they prepare for the well-being of their young until that cover them with mud. They only fly during the spring season , which coincides with the pollination time of the fruit trees. Its pollinating effectiveness has made it the protagonist of a project that promotes improving the biodiversity of plants and insects in our environment. The Plant Protection Association of the Ponent counties has made available to those who want to collaborate with the initiative, boxes with bee cocoons . These boxes must face southeast and have some reeds where the bees will make their nest.